About the Journal
Encuentro Latinoamericano: Revista de Ciencia Politica (ELA) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that focuses on Latin American politics. ELA is part of the International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS). The languages of publication are English, Spanish, and Portuguese, with all articles accompanied by English abstracts. We hope to publish in French and Haitian Creole in the future.
Geared toward students of all levels and young researchers in political science, law, and related fields, ELA enables junior academic talents to publish at the beginning of their careers. The journal has a strong Latin American focus, which includes Mexico as well as all of Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. Articles about the diaspora can also be reviewed if there is a clear link to Latin America (i.e. a Cuban community in the US, a Venezuelan community in Spain, or a Brazilian community in the UK).
Versión en español
Sobre la revista
Encuentro Latinoamericano: Revista de Ciencia Política (ELA) es una revista científica revisada por pares que se centra en la política latinoamericana. ELA forma parte de la Asociación Internacional de Estudiantes de Ciencia Política (IAPSS). Seguimos la mayoría de las directrices de la revista más antigua de IAPSS, Politikon. Los idiomas de publicación son el inglés, el español y el portugués, y todos los artículos van acompañados de resúmenes en inglés. Esperamos publicar en francés y criollo haitiano en el futuro.
Dirigida a estudiantes de todos los niveles y a jóvenes investigadores en ciencias políticas, derecho y campos afines, ELA permite a jóvenes talentosos de la academia publicar al inicio de sus carreras. La revista tiene un fuerte enfoque latinoamericano, que incluye México, así como toda América Central, América del Sur y el Caribe. Los artículos sobre la diáspora también pueden ser revisados si existe un vínculo claro con América Latina (es decir, una comunidad cubana en los EE.UU., una comunidad venezolana en España, o una comunidad brasileña en el Reino Unido).
Current Issue

This issue begins with the article by Johanna Cárdenas Osornio, in which the author embarks on measuring legislative performance and legislative effectiveness in the Mexican State of Nayarit, emphasizing dimensions of analysis such as number of initiatives presented, number of initiatives approved or number of commissions chaired. Subsequently, Benjamin Eduardo Segovia Saavedra analyzes the 2019 protests in Chile from contemporary political theory frameworks that explore the nature, characteristics, and challenges of populism. The author argues that these episodes of collective action can be glimpsed as a “populist moment”. The issue concludes with an article by José Luis Escalona Victoria, in which the author approaches a dimension of the study of bureaucracies from a political anthropology framework: the systems of positions. The text is novel for its intellectual reconstruction of this concept and for moving the analysis of bureaucracies beyond the contexts usually analyzed by political science. The Editorial Board expects that reading these manuscripts will stimulate scientific reflection on the topics addressed and contribute to a better understanding of them.